Chissà se anche Falcone e Borsellino erano disturbati mentalmente. 5 Settembre 2003
Ma a parte questo, anche il resto dell’intervista é uno spettacolo.
The Italian reality, to he who is familiar with it, is that Italy is an absolute democracy with one or two anomalies. One is that we have an opposition that is not altogether democratic because it is made up of the same people who were communists and protagonists of the Italian Communist party which was of Stalinist origin. Another anomaly which is not known abroad is that we have an extremely politicised judiciary. And the third anomaly is that there is strong disinformation on the part of the press. Just read Repubblica, just read Unità, they are newspapers completely at the service of the Left. If you read Unità, you think you are living under a tyranny.
Invece leggendo Il Giornale…
What happened was that in 1992, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Communist party, the Left, that had been defeated by history, instead of being put on trial at least for their moral complicity with the crimes of the communist regimes from Stalin to Pol Pot to Milosevic — which they had always supported — they always had a fatal attraction for dictatorship….They were not prosecuted because the Left had infiltrated their men in all the nodal points of the state; that is, the schools, the papers, the TV stations, the magistracy, in the central nervous system of the state. Instead of being prosecuted, they used their infiltration not to stand trial, but to put all the other parties, which history had proved right, on trial.
Azzardato, detto da un uomo venuto su all’ombra di Craxi.
I entered politics with great sorrow, but I thought in 1994 that the extreme Left would have been a serious disaster for Italy.
“With great sorrow”…spettacolo, un uomo spettacolare.
I was the most popular man in Italy because I made commercial TV out of zero, and I was an important businessman because I was a man of sports with many victories. I had five teams — and not just in soccer, but in hockey, volleyball, rugby — and they were victorious in all the Italian and world championships. I had built small towns and I was the proprietor of the second biggest chain of supermarkets — all Italians knew it. I was in charge of a popular movement, and people were saying, ‘You are our only hope of not having a left-wing government.’
“E poi avevo anche più macchinine colorate, ecco”
I think there is an element of jealousy in all of these people because I cannot find another explanation. All these journalists — Biagi, Montanelli — were older than me and felt they were the important ones in our relationship, and then the relationship was turned upside-down and I became what they themselves wanted to be.
Ma come, anche Montanelli era geloso? L’uomo a cui Berlusconi disse “Devo entrare in politica, se no mi fanno a pezzi”?
Questa é bellissima, sulla questione delle armi di distruzione di massa irakene
I am accustomed to put myself in the place of the other guy, and I reasoned that if I were Saddam, I would say to myself, ‘We will cause all the WMD to disappear, because then we will block the UN resolution and there will not be an attack from America.’ So Saddam eliminated the WMD because someone told him, someone very authoritative, that there would not be an attack without a UN resolution. So I think he destroyed them or sent them abroad.
Ma avrà capito cosa ha detto? Ma si renderà conto di darsi dell’idiota da solo?
I had the occasion to be president of the G8 in Genoa in 2001, and I was the host of the dinner, trying to bring everyone into the conversation, and I was making jokes as usual. I asked Schröder about his experiences with women because he has been married four times, and I made him laugh. And I decided after a while just to push my chair back from the table and let them talk, and I saw Blair joking with Chirac, and Putin joking with Bush, and I was joking with everyone, and suddenly I thought, ‘Look, here I am, a man who has felt on his skin the second world war, since I was born in 1936. I saw my father dressed as a soldier, and I thought, ‘What a wonderful world.’ But here we come to the point, as I saw this extraordinary, beautiful scene round the table in Genoa. I was happy and thought we were passing on to our children the prospect of a pacified world
Intanto, la’ fuori, la celere entrava nelle scuole dove dormivano i ragazzini e li massacrava di botte. Complimenti, stronzo.
I tell you the truth: if I lived in a country where there was no day appointed for elections, I would become a revolutionary, if not a terrorist. And that is because I love liberty too much; without liberty a man is not a man. He has no dignity. And so today we are now able, with Russia and America together, to look at all the states of the world, and assess the dignity of all the people in the world, and we can give them democracy and liberty. Yes! By force if necessary!
Dai, é uno scherzo, uno non puó essere cosí alienato da dire queste cose ed aspettarsi di essere preso sul serio.
I have never in my life taken a penny out of politics.
E poi c’era la marmotta che incartava la cioccolata…
Look, Andreotti is not my friend. He is of the Left. They created this fiction to demonstrate that the Democrazia Cristiana which was for 50 years the most important party in our history was not an ethical party but a party close to criminality. But it is not true. Non é vero. It is una follia! These judges are mad twice over! First, because they are politically that way, and second, because they are mad anyway. To do that job you need to be mentally disturbed, you need psychic disturbances. If they do that job it is because they are antropologicamente different! That is why I am in the process of reforming everything.
Gran finale.
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